Texas Spring

© Leslie McLain

Texas Spring

Uploaded: April 25, 2016 04:25:56 | Entered: April 25, 2016 04:25:56


Exif: F Number: 16, Exposure Bias Value: 1.00, ExposureTime: 4/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 250, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 58.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III


John Rivera level-deluxe April 25, 2016

Beautifully composed and captured! #1656170

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 25, 2016

Beautiful colors and comp. #11465791

Nadine A. Lewis April 25, 2016

BEAUTIFUL farm scene!!! Love the flowers and fence line leading the eye into the image. <>< #11465808

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic April 25, 2016

Great composition and colors Leslie!,
Amalia #11465849

Lindley Johnson level-classic April 25, 2016

Beautiful wildflowers in a lovely rural scene, Leslie. #11465854

Nancy L. Green level-classic April 25, 2016

What a GORGEOUS capture Leslie!!! Where in Texas is this? <>< #11465920

Leslie McLain level-classic April 25, 2016

This was taken last spring in the Brenham area, #11465951

Carol L. Fowler April 25, 2016

Gorgeous flowers! #11465978

Robert R. Goodman April 25, 2016

Hi Leslie,Beautiful color and lighting.Not much of a wildflower season for us here in Az. #11465990

Teresa Burnett level-classic April 26, 2016

Gorgeous flowers and comp, and I love the added interest of the cows in the distance!! Wonderful capture, Leslie!! #11466123

Thomas L Willis April 26, 2016

Good composition and depth of field choice is excellent. #11466167

Emile Abbott level-classic April 26, 2016

Gorgeous capture of our Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paint Brush. #11466303

Deborah Lewinson level-addict May 30, 2016

Congrats on another beautiful finalist, Leslie! Love the comp, colors, and subject! #11479947

Emile Abbott level-classic May 30, 2016

Not surprised to see this one again. Congrats on awesome finalist Leslie. #11479989

Val Feldman level-classic May 31, 2016

Missed this first go-around, happy to see it now with Silver attached, Leslie! T'aint nothing like our Texas springtime riot of color - you've captured this spectacular carpet of bluebonnets and paintbrush in all it's glory perfectly! Warmest congrats and all the best in the upcoming round! #11480613

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